I was excited to watch this next episode because I only recently started watching the entire series on Netflix in December. Yes, I know I'm late in the game, but I got myself all caught up and now eagerly anticipate every episode like the rest of you. Seriously. Who needs Valentine's Day when you've got more TWD to watch?
So, just to recap (because it has been quite some time since episode 8, season 3), we last left off with Rick Grimes and his trusty crew finding a safe location at a prison (how ironic). However, Glen and Maggie are caught by Merle and taken to Woodbury to be interrogated on the whereabouts of their camp/prison. Both Glenn and Maggie are put through hell, but are ultimately saved by Rick and the rest of the gang. Rick is accompanied by Michonne, who was the one who informed them about Woodbury in the first place. Michonne goes off on her own midway through their rescue mission, kills the Governor's daughter, and stabs the governor in the eye with a shard of glass in their consequential scuffle. Meanwhile, Glenn and Maggie are saved, but Daryl is nowhere to be found. Ultimately, we find out that Daryl was captured and taken to the Woodbury arena, where he is forced to fight Merle, who the governor has furiously denounced and labeled a traitor to Woodbury. In order to prove his loyalty to Woodbury, Merle must fight his younger brother.
Now... flash forward to yesterday night and we have the long-awaited episode 9!
Will Daryl really fight his brother? Or will Merle try to get them both out of there? Can Rick and the crew get there in time to save Daryl? The review/recap of Season 3 Episode 9 commences!
SPOILERS BELOW. You have been warned!
I anticipated this episode for so long, just because I knew I'd find myself biting at my nail because no one wants Daryl to die. He is almost everyone's favorite character, and without him the show would not be as great as it is (granted, there are other characters that are worth mentioning, but Daryl is definitely my bias).
So we start off at the arena with all the citizens of Woodbury screaming and shouting because they want to see a family feud bloodbath (what is wrong with these people?). The Governor forces the two brothers to fight in order for Merle to prove his loyalty to Woodbury. Meanwhile, Andrea uselessly tries to convince the Governor not to go through with this, but to no avail. Once Merle and Daryl commence fighting, I immediately think (or hope, at least) that Merle has something planned.
Now, I don't like Merle (Heck, I don't think anyone did) but I gathered from his personality that he would not have let his bro down. From what Daryl has said about their childhood, they were both used to taking a beating. It makes sense then, that a few punches and kicks here and there from Merle won't phase Daryl as he's used to much worse circumstances. Yes, Merle was working for the Governor. But they didn't always see eye to eye, and the show hinted at that from the beginning. I had a feeling Merle was going to try to save himself and his brother in some way - blood is thicker than water as the saying goes, am I right?
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The governor is amused? |
Fortunately, Rick and crew come to rescue! They shoot some zombies, throw a smoke bomb, and manage to knock out the lights in the stadium. At this point, everyone is thrown into a frenzy and everything is chaotic. I watched as Daryl and Merle tried to get out of the mist, wondering if they would be able to escape together, hoping that Daryl would remember to get his crossbow, and also hoping Andrea would get shot or something equally as wonderful.
I know a lot of people may think that's harsh. But seriously, remember when Andrea was so eager to prove she knew how to fire a gun that she almost shot Daryl to his death? What happened to that conviction? Now she's just always aloof and quick to trust strangers. Her old companions cared for her a great deal, but she doesn't seem to miss them all too much. Yes, I know she wants to blend in with Woodbury and be at peace in a chaotic world like everyone else, and I know she had no idea what kind of person the Governor could be. But she would do well to remember that not everyone is trustworthy. I mean, she started sleeping with the Governor only a few weeks after they had met! She's either desperate, or stupid... or maybe both. She wants to prove herself and be that 'strong independent woman' archetype, but everything she does and says makes her seem like a naive, dense woman who always seems to be on the wrong side. Honestly, when she started to pick up the gun on the ground next to that Jill Valentine wannabe (I don't remember her name, she was the lookout girl that Andrea talked to a few episodes back), a part of me hoped Andrea would either shoot the governor, or maybe even herself.
Back on topic though, the first thing I thought of when Rick and the others showed up was for Daryl to get the hell out. Preferably with his crossbow. To my delight, Darly did manage to snag back his crossbow, and it was all done in a twirly, 5-second stunt that looked wonderful on screen. It was done in haste and was perfect with the scenario. Later on during 'The Talking Dead' show after the episode aired, I found out that Norman Reedus improvised that little stunt himself. Kudos to you, sir Reedus! It was an awesome scene and a cool move!
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Look out, everyone. We've got a badass over here. |
In any case, Daryl and Merle get rescued by the crew, and the Governor has a "I've got to kill John Connor" look as he walks out of the smoky mayhem, which is kind of cool when he shoots that zombie nonchalantly and he walks out of the dust cloud in the arena. At this point, the episode really starts and you get the opening credits.
Now the next part is what really ground my gears.
After saving the two brothers, Rick and the rest of the gang have to decide what to do with Merle. Michonne doesn't like him because he tried killing her (obviously), and Glenn doesn't like him either because Merle was the reason he and Maggie got captured, and Maggie almost got raped. I understand where both are coming from (it's not the hard, really). Under the circumstances, we can always trust Rick to be the rational one, right?
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Kudos to Rick for shutting Merle up. |
Also, kudos to Rick for shutting Merle up with the butt of his revolver. I get sick just hearing Merle talk (almost as much as I did Andrea). He was going to ruin everything for everyone anyways. I just hated seeing him look smug as Daryl left with him, like he had won something great.
Anyways, after Daryl and Merle leave, Rick is left with Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie. Glen has his own mental breakdown when they choose to let Merle go. Obviously, Glenn wanted to kill Merle for causing strife to his girlfriend. At first, I didn't understand what the big deal was. After all, it wasn't as though his girlfriend was raped. She was sexually harassed a little and her honor was sullied, but it could have been a lot worse. But not only did Glenn not let Magige speak up for herself, he seems to be taking it way harder than she is. I think to him, Glenn lost a little bit of his masculinity in his inability to save and protect his girl. Maggie is obviously his first girlfriend and he treasures what they have more than anything else. The fact that he could do nothing to save her makes him feel like a worthless piece of shit. I think Maggie understands how he feels, and that was why she chooses to keep quiet on her own feelings about the matter.
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These two iffy newcomers are bound to be trouble. |
Meanwhile, Andrea tries to calm down the ruckus at Woodbury (as if anyone cares what she does) while the Governor becomes stone-cold and an arse since his daughter was killed by Michonne. His reason for continued living in this zombie-infested world have now gone down the drain, and I think he's given up on everything but revenge (specifically, on Michonne). In fact, it's pretty obvious he's going to go to the prison Rick and the others are located and shoot it up or something. The Woodbury scene with Andrea did give me more reason to like her though. At least I'll know that if she was thrust into a political position, she could probably handle it. In fact, I'm thinking she might just be the next governor of Woodbury if the town perseveres (even though that might not happen).
When Rick, Glenn, Michonne, and Maggie come back to the prison, they immediately anticipate the coming of the Governor's forces and tell everyone else about it. Rick also tells Carol that Daryl left, and she is grief-stricken over it. I think Carol's reaction pretty much sums up all of the viewers' reaction of Daryl's departure. No one wants Daryl to leave for good, or to die. That would just ruin the show for everyone.
In any case, the moment Rick comes back to the prison, he goes to see his infant daughter and to hold her. However, once he holds her, she starts to cry as though she's scared of him. He looks at his daughter as she cries in his arms, and the look that he gives her is just... confusion. Amy says that his daughter has Lori's eyes, but what feature of Judith's are Rick's?
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Rick frowning at his daughter, Judith. |
Of course, it doesn't matter who the father of the baby is, because Lori told him that it would be Rick's no matter what. But that doesn't change the fact that Rick blames the kid for the loss of his wife. Now to add on to that, the baby doesn't even seem to have strong connections to her 'father'. This probably drove Rick a little insane for the day, which is why he started to hallucinate that Lori was standing before the railing when he tried to talk the newcomers into leaving.
It's ironic because Hershel told Tyrese and his companions that Rick was the one who called the shots. What are they going to think now that they see Rick as a hallucinating psychopath? That's what I want to know.
Anyways, there's the conclusion to my review/recap of Episode 9 of Season 3.
As for what's to come, who knows? Maybe the gang will suspend the role of leadership from Rick until he "gets better". Hopefully Daryl will come back to rescue them and Merle will 'accidentally' get killed in the Woodbury vs. Rick's gang war that will ensue. In the preview, it looks like Glenn and Michonne will be going off to kill the Governor together, which might be cool but might also kill Glenn's character for me.
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Go away, Michonne. No one cares about your muteness. |
Anyways, these were just my opinions of the show thus far. You are free to join me in responding!
What did you think of Merle and Daryl's departure?
What do you think will happen to Woodbury in the next few episodes?
What do you make of Rick's continued hallucinations?
What do you want to happen in the next few episodes?
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